Monday, May 27, 2013

Unique Coins

In my previous blog, I wrote about how each of us are created in God’s image and therefore reflect His essential goodness. While this is true, we are not all identical either. Each of us, while in God's image, have our own uniqueness. We have our own unique blend of gifts, talents, desires, and interests. We are each a unique expression of Godliness. In the Talmud it says "A human king creates coins with his image on it and each is the same. The Master of the Universe creates coins with His image on it but each one looks different." This saying expresses the view that while all of us are Children of God, we are not the same.

When we connect with our true inner self, we find joy. We are connecting with whom God created us to be. This brings great joy and peace. But because each of us are unique, each of us have different joys. For one person it may be art, for another it is teaching small children. For another it will be engineering, and another taking care of the sick. Whatever it may be, each one of us will find true joy when are connecting with who we were made to be.

For me, I experience this as a spiritual director. When I am giving direction (and doing it well) I have a great sense of peace and joy. I have a sense that I am doing what I am meant to do, that I am about my Father’s business.

As directors, we need to listen for this in our directees. When we hear them connecting with their true identity, we need to help them savor this and hear God’s voice of approval and love in it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Isaac. These are good thoughts to ponder.
